Elizabetta Canalis explained in detail the situation with Jennifer Aniston


In the meantime, on the page on Twitter (where this scandalous message was there), Elizabetta Channelis has already written that reading in Google, that she allegedly responded badly about Jennifer Aniston and hinted that Eiston's premium face almost one in one with the face of Iggy Pop, and he never used his handsome titles, although the legendary personality of rock music, no one argues. Kanalis writes on Twitter that this is a lie that she would never allow to withdraw badly about Aniston.

Kanalis explained Radar Online that her friend leafed the fresh room Rolling Stone and she had a thought in the head that Iggy Pop and Jennifer Aniston could play father and daughter, they have something common, and that's it. It was this thought of a girlfriend in a message, and not that Jennifer Aniston is terrible as Iggy Pop. Elizabetta Khanalis wanted to erase the message of the girlfriend, but in the end he kept in her personal from his own behalf. Oh, these Italian models! The main thing that George Clooney did not throw it now, the point is not even that Clooney and Aniston in excellent friendly relations since her marriage with Brad Pitt, but simply in principle, men try to stay away from women who can put themselves and Others in an awkward position. Although they can all three of them (or four times with Iggy Pop) meet and laugh at this network execution of the channel for a careless combination of words.

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