"Boldship" (2020): watch online in good quality


Together with the wife of Gina, he goes on vacation to the Italian coast, but the romantic trip overshadows the tragedy: Ray and Ginu kidnates the grouping of hired soldiers who command Martin Aks. Realizing that Ray cannot provide the necessary information, the terrorists kill the hero, and his wife.

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Waking up in the walls of the Corporation Rising Spirit Tech, Ray learns that he was returned to life during the experiment on the resurrection using biomechanical designs - nanites. Now he is Blohenshot - a soldier, endowed with Supersoul and the ability to instant self-describing, but thoroughly devoid of memories. However, soon, contrary to all RST manipulations, the memory of the past life begins to return to the hero, and it becomes obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge the murderers of his wife.

The script for the film was written by Jeff Wodllow and Eric Hayseser, and Dave Wilson took the director's chair, for which Blohenshot became the debut in the full-length movie. In the acting, Vin Diesel, Aisa Gonzalez ("Alita: Battle Angel"), Sam Hughel ("Spy, who threw me"), Tobbell Tobbell ("Ben Gur") and Guy Pierce ("Remember").

Interesting facts about the film "Blohenshot"

The plot of Wilson's paintings is based on the history of Blohenshot, a character from comic Valiant Comics.

For the Wine Diesel "Blohenshot" became the third picture based on comic: Earlier, the actor voiced the chop in two parts of the "Guardians of the Galaxy." Guy Pierce also appeared in the filmmaken Marvel as a villain from the film "Iron Man 3" (2013).

Director Dave Wilson worked on visual effects in a blockbuster "Avengers: Era Altron".

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The Character of Blohenshot invented Kevin Wangok, Don Perlin and Bob Laiton. For the first time, Boldship appeared in 1992. This issue eventually became the best selling Valiant Comics.

Music for the militant wrote composer Steve Jablonski ("Nightmare on Elm Street", "Transformers 3: Dark Side of the Moon").

In April 2015, Valiant, Sony and Original Film corporation made an official statement about the intention to remove 5 films about superheroes Valiant Comics: the first two should have been devoted to Blohenshot, the following two - a group of adolescent exilets known as the "harbinger". The last picture was conceived as a crossover between Blohenshotom and the "harbinger". By September 2019, there was news that the film "Harbiton" replaced the distributor: It is planned to release the studio Paramount Pictures

Main role, the creators of the militant were considered Jared Summer.

Shots took place from August to October 2018 in Prague, Czech Republic, Budapest, Hungary, and Cape Town, South Africa.

The prototype of Rising Spirit Technologies in the film is the Project Rising Spirit corporation from the original comic.

The role of Emil Harting, who played Guy Pierce, was originally considered Martin Bus.

"Blohenshot", like other films released at about the same time, received very low cash receipts due to the global coronavirus pandemic. Sony Pictures Release provided online access to the picture for January 17, just a month after the premiere in cinemas.

In one of the episodes Wilfred Wigans, which Lamorne Morris played, throws a basketball ball, uttering the phrase "Kobi". "Boldship" came out a month later from the death of the American basketball player Kobi Brian. Thus, this scene has become a grade to the famous player.

"Boldship" is the first film for comics for actor Tobbele's actor after the film "Fantastic Four" (2015).

Initially, David Litch ("Dadpool 2", "V" means Vendpool ") and Chad Stachelski (" V "means Vendetta," Buffy - Vampire Slayer ").

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