Nicole Kidman answers People readers


- If you could choose the usual profession, who would you be?

- I would like to be an interior designer. I adore walk around the rooms and redo everything there. When my friends buy new apartments, I immediately come to them and give my advice.

- What economic affairs do you like to do?

- Straight, of course, but I love putting things in a washing machine. I'm erased all the time. And I love to iron shirts.

- What is your biggest quirk?

-Cate and I love coffee very much. Moreover, I love foam more than coffee itself. I will go and order coffee, but I will say that there was more whipped cream and less coffee. In Sturbucks already know me.

-How do you overcome your shyness?

- I think the most important thing for me is to care for the skin so that I feel comfortable with her. This is a part of the aging. I used to experienced because of my growth and felt awkward, but now it is very convenient for me. The main thing is to love yourself.

- Your husband has a tattoo. Want to do yourself?

-Not. I will be without tattoos.

- Do you preparing?

- I'm terribly cooking. I am preparing a chicken for Keit, and it always turns dry. I am much more falling in order for me to be prepared, because I am unpretentious in food, I can eat anything.

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