Justin Bieber used Argentina flag instead of sex rag


Apparently, Justin did not like that during his show in Buenos Aires, someone threw two Argentine flags on stage. But instead of ignoring this fact or just carefully remove the flags from the stage, Bieber cost them extremely unceremoniously. The singer dragged these symbols of Argentina on stage, kicking them with their feet and pushing a microphone counter, as if it was ordinary sex rags. Of course, many spectators insulted the behavior of Justin, but he did not give this meaning.

By the way, according to Argentine laws for disrespectful treatment of the flag, there is a serious punishment - a prison sentence for up to four years. So, if the authorities do not show generosity, the young singer may have serious problems.

It is worth noting that the second concert of the Bieper in Buenos Aires also passed not too smoothly. Justin interrupted an hour after the beginning, referring to food poisoning. We hope that the maleness of the singer is just an accident, and not the result of the revenge of someone from the staff for insulting their patriotic feelings.

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