Director John Carni criticized the work with Kira Knightley


"I do not like all these stories with paparazzi and the brilliant premieres," Carni confessed in an interview with The Independent. - The world of movie stars is not what attracts me. I love working with actors, and I will return to what I understand what. I wanted to take pictures of the film again. I do not want to say that I did not like to shoot "at least once in my life," but Kira has a whole retinue that follows it everywhere. And it greatly complicates the work. "

"The more I tried to do everything as it should, the more I understood that she was not suitable for the role of the singer who herself writes music and plays the guitar," the director continued. - I realized that I would never again make films with supermodels. Kira tries to hide the who she really is. It seems to me that the actors should not do so. I like working with inquisitive and decent film actors, and not with superstars. I do not want to insult Kiru, but the actor be very difficult. It requires a certain honesty and self-analysis, and she, as it seems to me, is not ready for this. And I don't think she was ready for this film. "

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