Everything happens for the first time: 62-year-old Madonna showed a tattoo in honor of children


In the entire history of his career, Madonna has not appeared in video clips and on stage with tattoos. But these were temporary images. And recently, 62-year-old pop diva decided to decorate the body of the present tattoo.

Today, the singer shared with subscribers in Instagram series of photographs from the Shamrock Social Club tattoo salon, where her wrist was twisted the first letters of the names of all her children. In the microblog Madonna noted that this is her first present tattoo. In the letters L R D M S E the singer perpetuated the names of his relatives and adoptive children: Lourdes, Rocco, David, Merse, Stella and Esther. During the Madonna procedure and the Master were in protective masks.

On the day of Thanksgiving Madonna showed fans their huge family in full. Adult children came to his mother for a holiday, with them the 26-year-old boyfriend Madonna Akhlamalik Williams, the dancer of her show ballet, with which the star is in relationships for two years.

Previously, the singer occurred confused due to confusion in the names: the name of Madonna was confused with the name of the recently deceased legendary football player of Diego Maradona. In social networks there were erroneous news about the death of pop diva. However, the singer, despite the fact that recently it often gets injuries at concerts, alive and healthy.

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