Lady Gaga insulted Madonna


When the leading radio show with the participation of Gaga tried to compare the life and career of the artist with the history of Madonna, Lady Gaga replied: "We are very different with Madonna."

According to Lady Gaga, she would not compare them at all. "Unlike some, I am writing my music herself. I play many musical instruments, spend many hours in the studio. I am a producer and writer. What I do cannot repeat nobody, "the singer boasted.

Recall that the relationship between Madonnaya and Lady Gaga spoiled in 2011, after the last recorded the Born This Way single, which, claims Madonna, suspiciously similar to her hit Express Yourself (1989). In July, Madonna hinted at the plagiarism publicly, stating on stage during a concert in Atlantic City, which is a big fan of "Born This Way", because "participated in writing this song." The song "Born This Way" then caused many disputes. Many accused Lady Gaga in plagiarism. She herself thoroughly denies theft, referring to a simple coincidence.

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