Dangerous hobby: Kendall Jenner started a homework


A new favorite realistic star told on social networks, sharing with the fans of the video, at which the snake was walked around her hair as if Kendall tied it instead of gum. At these weekends, the model visited the terrarium, held a young snake on his hand and called him "her son" in instagram stories. Obviously, the star managed to attach to the animal, because he took him home. She did not specify, what kind of her new favorite belongs to what kind of her own, but you can be calm that the snake is clearly not a poisonous. In addition, the Kardashyan family already has experience in communicating with unusual pets, since Chris Jenner once presented the chimpanzee, which was called Susie.

Dangerous hobby: Kendall Jenner started a homework 150032_1

Dangerous hobby: Kendall Jenner started a homework 150032_2

It is worth recognizing that Kendall is not the only celebrity preferred with exotic pets. Nicholas Cage once started the royal cobra, which, according to him, hated him. Boxer Mike Tyson and once once belonged to three Bengal tiger. In the 80s, George Clooney had a Vietnamese Vistamy Pig, and Leonardo Di Caprio, according to Western media, still lives the turtle, which he acquired in 2010.

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