Kendall Jenner collapsed with criticism on the media: "You are subjected to my life danger!"


Last month, Stalker Kendall, 37-year-old Canadian named John Ford, arrested after he penetrated the closed territory, where, among others, the model mansion is located. The man climbed up the hill located right behind the Kendall house, and enormously penetrates the territory of the mansion. How did he manage to know where the model lives? Everything is very simple: in October 2017, shortly after Kendall bought this house, TMZ published a whole gallery of real estate photographs, at the same time specifying the area. As a result, it was not difficult to find a precise location of the house, of course.

Kendall Jenner collapsed with criticism on the media:

The same hill

On this history it was not over: the Ford was arrested last Tuesday again - after being discovered by the Kendall on the porch. The man was sent to the hospital, recognized mentally healthy, released on Wednesday - and on Thursday, he again declared Kendall! This time the guards models found him resting by the pool.

Kendall Jenner collapsed with criticism on the media:

Kendall Jenner collapsed with criticism on the media:

The pool

The maximum term on charges of criminal violation of ownership (and only this Ford can be present - 6 months of detention, it is impossible to deport back to Canada, and since the places on all arrested and so lacks, most likely, Stalker Kendall has already released to freedom.

Kendall strengthened security and, at the same time, appealed to TMZ and other publications about show business:

"I am aware of what subscribed to, but when you publish the exact location of my house, you are subject to my life danger. Your house is your fortress, but for me, because of these editions, like yours, it's not at all. You must be ashamed".

Once again you will admire the house Kendall:

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