Marion Cotiyar: It was stupid to talk about 9/11 terrorist attack


In 2007, during an interview at TV show, Marion said that she had doubts about the official version of the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. Now she insists that her words were incorrectly filed, and many after that decided that the actress believes in the theory of conspiracy. Marion admitted that it was "not very smart", according to her, generally express his opinion on this issue.

In an interview with the New Review magazine, she said: "You know, I understand how the media work. And I should be honest that it really was stupid on my part - talk to such serious topics within the television show. But in fact, we talked about the other, and I just led an example of what I saw. It was not too smart. But still, what they wrote, too distinguished from what I said. I did not say that (that the attacks were fake). I know people who lost members of their family and friends flying on those aircraft. Therefore, how can I believe after such a conspiracy theory? This is nonsense! "

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