Kim Kardashian in the RedBook magazine. April 2011.


Chloeus told the secret of their success: "We are a real family. We do not embellish anything. We have always put each other in first place. We love each other for the camera, we cry at the camera. I think people feel the authenticity of all this. "

Chris Jenner hurried to protect his daughters, saying that they were much more than just hungry to fame people: "I'm annoyed when I hear:" What do your girls do? "." Well, for starters, all my daughters have a job. They are stylists and designers, they have their own chain of stores. They had shops before they launched their reality shows. And my children worked since they were 13 years old. Therefore, it is surprised when they say that they do not do anything. They work 25 hours a day. And what, that they have no talents? They may not become singers or dancers, but if it comes to a television show, then here they are accurate profi. "

"I have nothing to be ashamed," Kim says. - I work a lot on TV show and other projects. I do not drink and do not take drugs, so I can comfortably share with the world because my life is. "

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