Britney Spears in the log log. April 2011.


Where were you when I first heard our song on the radio? I was in New Orleans, and I was so excited! This is such a cool feeling - to hear your song on the radio. I still feel similar to the excitement when I hear any song.

What did you spend your first big salary?

On a bright white convertible Mercedes.

When did you feel a diva for the first time?

In New Orleans, when I sang Slave 4 U. I almost died!

When did you start your career to whom you wanted to be like?

Madonna. No questions. She is amazing. In addition, I also admire the career of Sarah Jessica Parker and her collection of shoes.

Are there any of your songs those that you would not want to record or which you really don't like? No, all my songs are damn stunning.

How will "Femme Fatale" differ from other albums?

I think "Femme Fatale" is my most optimistic and adult album.

Who did you cooperate while recording this album?

I worked with WILL.I.AM. I am a big fan of the Black Eyed PEAS group, and I always wanted to work with them. I also collaborated with the new singer from Los Angeles by Sabi. She read Rap in the song "(Drop Dead) beautiful."

If we assume that reincarnation exists, then in the past life I was ..

Audrey Hepburn, because she was a fashion legislator.

My idea of ​​hell ...

Be on a diet.

My idea of ​​paradise ...

Travel with children.

If you were not a superstar, then what career was chosen?

I studied in the seventh grade and was the "Career Day". I remember, I thought then that I want to become a lawyer in the field of entertainment. I always knew that I could achieve anything in this business. I think this is a wonderful career.

What an album, in your opinion, changes life?

Natalie Imbrulya "Left of the Middle".

What kind of disney princess do you personify yourself most and why?

It depends on the day.

What better advice did you get and from whom?

My mother said that when you have a bad day, you need to eat ice cream. This is the best advice.

What is the worst advice given to you about your work?

Someone once said me that in the clip "Baby One More Time" I should be in the image of a superhero, which fights with a giant monster-like robot.

What is the last nightmare you dream?

Someone chases me.

How would you feel if one of your sons was gay?

I love my boys, no matter what.

Do you listen to the music of your colleagues?

Yes. I love Lady Gaga and Rihanna. The song Rihanna "S & M" is simply awesome.

What song in the past ten years will you record?

Eminem and Rihanna "Love the Way You Lie".

What is the ideal way to spend Sunday?

Play with my boys, make frozen yogurt, work out and take a break.

What is the most stupid and funny rumor that went about you?

That I am aliens.

What rumors hurt you most?

What I died in a car accident.

What woman (live or dead) can sign you twice to think about your sexuality?

I look only for men.

Who is your favorite Golden Girl (Golden Girl - TV series)?

Betty White, because she is so cute and innocent.

Do you have any phobias?

Fly on the plane, because I can't control it.

The best in popularity ...

It is advocated to people and hope to make them happy.

The worst in popularity ...

I have to give up the right to a personal life.

What are your thoughts about your upcoming 30th anniversary this year?

I am glad to end the second tenth.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? When the time comes to pull the body, I am sure that I will consider this option.

I first learned about sex ...

When I was 12 years old. From my mom. I was confused and experienced disgust.

Kiss with Madonna was ...


You were married twice. Some time just 55 hours. How do you feel about gay marriage?

I think everyone should have equal rights.

Lady Gaga ...


Christina Aguilera...

Really talented.

Britney Spears...


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