Bosnian women appeal to deprive Angelina Jolie title Ambassador UN


In a letter published on Monday, campaign participants write the following:

"We insisted at a meeting with Angelina Jolie to explain to her the real state of affairs. Our voices were to be heard, and we should have to show much more respect. "

"Angelina made a big mistake. We believe that its actions do not correspond to the behavior of this ambassador engaged in the problems of refugees. We believe that she lost confidence and can no longer be the UN ambassador. "

"We wanted to talk to her as a woman with a woman. Before starting shooting, she should cope with the problems of the real victims of the war. In addition, a love story in the concentration camp is unlikely. Such an interpretation of events causes state of mental suffering, "adds the head of the Association" Women - War Sacrificment "of Bakir Hasecitz.

Recall that shooting, while the nameless military film about love was held in Hungary and Bosnia in October-November of this year. The plot of the director's debut Angelina Jolie is being built around Serb and Bosnikov, whose relationships are unfolding against the background of war.

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