Official Twitter "Twilight" supported Robert Pattinson as Batman


Although Robert Pattinson has long come out of the image of a vampire sparkling from the Saga "Twilight", for many, it is still associated with Edward Callen. Of course, everything may change when the "Batman" of Matt Rivza appears on the screens, in which the actor will play Bruce Wayne himself, but while there are a lot of those who are skeptical about the choice of director.

Fortunately, their number definitely does not include the authors of the official Twitter "Twilight". Recently, a trailer of the coming "Batman" appeared on the network, and the vampire franchise profile immediately responded to him. The author of the publication admired the line of Pattinson's chin, and there really is what to see. For many years, the actor focused on creating copyright films and returned to the world of blockbusters with the "argument" of Christopher Nolan, and yet it is obvious that those who are involved in the "twilight", with a special trepidation waiting for a moment when Robert will appear in the form of Batman.

By the way, recently the hype around the saga resumed, because Stephanie Meyer finally released the Book "Midnight Sun", in which the events of the first novels are retelling from the point of view of Edward. It is possible that this one will turn into the revival of the franchise on the big screen, and even to present Pattinson as a trembling vampire after many deep roles are not easy, the fans such a return to the origins would definitely appreciate.

From September 10, Robert can be seen in the fantastic militant "Argument", and Batman starts in cinemas on September 30, 2021.

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