Robert Pattinson spoke about the samples on the role of Edward Callen: "The worst decision in life"


In the past few years, Robert Pattinson has established himself as a versatile actor, who is not only in the shoulder of the role not only in popular franchises, but also in Arthaus Cinema. At the same time, it is impossible to deny that the glory of Pattinson brought a teenage film "Twilight", filmed by Stephanie Meier's novels. Soon, Pattinson will embody a new version of Batman on the screen, but the echoes of the past are still audible. In the latest interview with the British newspaper Today, the actor remembered the confusion, which happened to him during samples on the role of the Vampire Edward Callen:

I had to play in the scene in which Edward holds the guitar ... My agent then told me: "Take a guitar for listening to me." When I entered the room, they told me: "Oh, you brought with you a guitar. Must be, you want to fulfill us a song. " I thought at that moment: "No. This is the worst decision in my life. " I replied that I was not going to play. They were surprised: "You brought it only to hold in your hands? Why did you come with a guitar? " At that moment, all my confidence flew into the pipe. It was the worst audition in my life. I remember, I called my parents and said: "I have enough. I can no longer torment myself. " And the next day I gave a role.

Robert Pattinson spoke about the samples on the role of Edward Callen:

Robert Pattinson spoke about the samples on the role of Edward Callen:

Despite the inappropriate props, Pattinson still managed to express himself from the best side and earn part in the Twilight. True, shooting in this project turned to the actor a serious test due to the fan hysteria that turned around him and his personal life. Recall that at that time Pattinson began to meet with his colleague on Twilight Kristen Stewart. However, a 34-year-old actor is confident that such noise in his career will no longer repeat. According to him, now he became "old and boring."

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