In the center of the plot of the new Batman, Bruce Wayne and Butler Alfred will be


About the upcoming movie Warner Bros. "Batman" already walks a lot of rumors. But now information about the main characters, which gives new food for reflection. In a recent interview with Greg Freser, the film operator, to the question of what he can say about the upcoming picture, answered:

Nothing. Nothing and nothing. I can say that this is a film about Andy Serkis characters and Robert Pattinson. It is removed on a very good scenario. However, all Matt scenarios are good and very thoughtful. We try our best. This is a great pressure, but I do not think that Matt has ever managed to shoot films without pressure. But he is a fearless director.

This statement is curious the fact that Serkis's character is raised before the Pattinson Character. Obviously, hero, in honor of which the film is named, plays an important role in it. But it turns out that there is one who can also be in the center of history. Andy Serkis plays Alfred, the butler and trustee of Bruce Wayne, he supports Batman in all endeavors, but he experiences that his owner still did not marry.

In the center of the plot of the new Batman, Bruce Wayne and Butler Alfred will be 151923_1

At the same time, Andy Serkis during the filming "Batman" simultaneously was engaged in his own project - he will refuse the film "Venom 2". Therefore, attended the set less than the time than other actors. The unexpected news about the importance for the picture of his character.

The premiere of "Batman" is scheduled for October 1, 2021.

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