Robert Pattinson about the first meeting with Christopher Nolan: "I thought, I lose consciousness"


Robert Pattinson gave an interview with Entertainment Weekly, which spoke about the work on the film "Argument". For the actor, this work has become a serious test. For the first time, he had to get acquainted with the scenario, he had to be locked in the room together with those who observe each movement by his security officers. But it was not the hardest. This is how he recalls the first meeting with Christopher Nolan:

I went to meet him, and we talked for three hours. I had no idea what we meet, what we would talk about. I was constantly returned to his filmography and tried to predict what genre would be the next job. And after a few hours he kindly said: "I wrote a new thing here, would you like to read it somehow? On the table lay a box of candies. By the end of the conversation, I had a significantly reduced sugar in the blood. I thought I would lose consciousness. I asked permission to eat one candy. And here Nolan got up and graduated from our meeting. I thought that everything spoiled.

Robert Pattinson about the first meeting with Christopher Nolan:

Robert Pattinson plays in the "argument" of the operative named Nile. Although even it is inaccurate. As the director told:

Rob plays a character named Neal. Or we think his name is Nile. You never know what is happening with the characters. But he is a very important character in this film and very much supports the hero of John David Washington.

Robert Pattinson about the first meeting with Christopher Nolan:

The premiere of "argument" is scheduled for July 30 of this year.

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