"Then has taught bad": Rachetova hinted to break with Timati


The Anastasia Rytova model hinted that the separating rest of the stars was caused by the problems in relations. The beloved Rapper admitted that he dreamed of vacation, because because of the troubles began to sleep badly.

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За последние месяцы в моей жизни произошёл ряд очень неприятных событий, которые спровоцировали не самое благоприятное эмоциональное состояние. Вскоре я потеряла гармонию, нормальный сон и стала жить мыслями о том, как бы поскорее сбежать из пыльной столицы. Сейчас наш отдых проходит немного не в том формате нежели ранее и можете додумать все, что угодно, но так нужно и я знаю это ?

Публикация от Reshetova Anastasia (@volkonskaya.reshetova)

Anastasia and Timati this year spend a vacation separately from each other. The model, together with the 9-month-old son Ratmir, left for the Father Rapper in the Saint-Tropez. The performer himself took a senior daughter Alice on vacation. Previously, Deutov said that rest in different places is normal.

Chosen Black Star told subscribers in Instagram, which made her go to the Saint-Tropez without Timati. Anastasia lost mental equilibrium due to unpleasant events that decided not to call. Apparently, the stars decided to give them time to miss each other to refresh the relationship.

"Soon I lost harmony, a normal sleep and began to live thoughts about how to quickly escape from the dusty capital. Now our rest passes a bit not in the format, rather than earlier, and you can think of anything, but it is necessary, and I know it, "Racelyova said in a personal blog.

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Публикация от Reshetova Anastasia (@volkonskaya.reshetova)

One of the fans with the share of humor suggested that Timati could have a bad deal with a trick, who recently returned from Rehaba. "Then has taught Tim bad," the fan wrote, to which Anastasia responded with laughter.

Subscribers wished the rescue quickly to settle all problems and be happy. "I hope you have everything good with Timur", "everything will definitely work out! And everything will be fine, "" Rest and cheer forces, "the fans assured.

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