"Elephant has come to the ear": Fanities criticized Olga Buzov for speaking for the song of love of the Assumption


Recently, Lyubov Uspenskaya published a new video in his microblog, which showed an excerpt from the show "Sing without rules". Olga Buzov, who had to perform the song of Queen Chanson "disappearing, was attended by the TNT television channel.

The singer was supposed to look at the screen where the famous patters appeared, and in the tact of the songs of Assumption to repeat them, not mistaken. Thus, the creators of the show were able to check the diction of the famous artist, and the audience - from the soul to have fun.

Sumpenskaya herself was harassed and herself confessed to his post that such an interpretation of his composition did not expect. "Dared to the soul!" - noted the Queen of Chanson.

However, not all fans of Assumption approved such a presentation Buzova. "It went on the masterpiece with my gloomy talent", "Olenka, don't get anywhere else! It's not yours! "," Just horror !!! "," Tin. Buzova, it turns out, it is not able to sing. I'm shocked, "Buzova yells a hoarse voice, not getting,", "what is the disgrace! Buzova - Hello, "" Oh Lord, what they sang! "," Buzova as a singer is no, but I want to notice that the guy had a lot of mistakes, but for some reason they didn't paint in red, unfair, "the subscribers said.

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