"Now we have a tense schedule": Olga Buzova answered rumors about the break with the old


Olga Buzova gave a large interview with the popular weekly "AIF", which described the outgoing year as "very complicated". According to rumors, complications occurred in relationships with beloved, joint photos with which it became much smaller. But this Buzova gave a unambiguous answer to this: "When you're happy and share your happiness with others, you are blamed that you are putting a personal life at the bottom. When you try to save something from prying eyes, begin to write some articles about quarrels, partings. Now we have with an extremely tense schedule, and when we are together, we want to be alone and postpone the phones aside. "

The singer and singer and the transfer of all of his concerts for 2021, and in the full implementation of concert activities from Olga, as in all pop performers, there are reasonable doubts. The former star "House-2" does not disappear and advises fans to never lower the hands and fight with the transformations of fate: "The year turned out to be saturated, I released a few clips, thought about and removed my program" Take me, "participated in the" Ice Period "on the first Channel ... I did not work less, but I had to change the approach to creativity and somewhat shifted the priorities in the direction of television and the record of music tracks. "

Dava appeared in the life of Buzova at the right moment and proved business, he deserves confidence, he will not betray. For Olga, such quality is extremely significant in humans in general and in men in particular. At the same time, Buzova recognized - it can be demanding and even capricious, and their work schedules with a boyfriend are intense and often found in antiphase. But with their loved ones, everything is fine, and rumors about the cooling of relations between the stars in love are completely tearned from reality.

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