"How are things from evil gremlinov?": Samburscom the defenders of Buzova threw.


For several days, the conflict between the actress Nastasy Sambursk and Olga Buzova is not subsidized. There are angry emotional posts, ironic videos and thousands of comments of subscribers on both sides. Samburstskaya skillfully poured oil into the fire, posing a video with a digital frog on the head, where he once again confirmed that the TV project "House 2" and all involved in it - "bottom".

Today is the star of Sitkom "University. New dormitory "shared on his page with a new roller, where she appeared in a deliberate glamorous image and asked Haters and defenders of Buzova, like their business. At the same time, the girl called the aforementioned audience of "evil rats".

We will remind, instagram scandal began with the fact that Samburskaya called "House 2" "bottom" in one of the recent posts. Olga Buzova decided to answer the bold leakage of the actress and suggested that Nastasya was deprived of attention and talent, and therefore insults teleproject. Samburskaya in response continues to "troll" Olga, publishing humorous videos, where in the image of glamorous diva it is interested in "my people" about things, and also trying to play accordion. Subscribers actively leave comments under the publications of stars, withdrawing a scandalous infoovod to the top: Nastasia Sambursk is more than 11 million Folloviers, while Olga Buzova boasts 22 million "her people".

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