"Tell me in the face, not hitching": Olga Buzova condemned Nastasya Sambursk for a mockery over the "home-2"


The popular singer and TV presenter Olga Buzov received his fame thanks to the participation in the Realistic show "Dom-2". Now that it has become a leading program, the girl still nourishes everything that is connected with him, the warmest feelings.

Recently, the star of the series "Univer" Nastasya Sambursksky spoke sharply about the project itself and his leading. "House-2" - bottom. Leading "houses-2" bottom. The audience "House-2" bottom, millions of rubles the bottom earned on the bottom is not an indicator of the level of intellectual superiority, "the actress wrote his opinion.

Olga Buzova, who considers the project for 16 years by its second home, was unable to wipe such offensive words. She replied Sambursk, which will not allow you to "shive" at home. According to the lead, those phrases that have written the actress, hurt not only her, but also everyone who is interested in the project.

"A man just decided to naggle in the literal sense of the word! If it concerned me personally, I would never have done "to do" in these feasures! But when it comes to my people, and my audience: young moms, grandmothers, teenagers, couples who look the project and love him - I will not be silent! " - replied to the obidchitz of Buzova.

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Also Olga Buzov suggested Nastasya Sambursk to say everything she thinks to her personally, and not to write offensive posts on social networks. In addition, according to Olga, the actress when meeting with it usually "hides his eyes."

Bosovoy fans supported it in the comments: "Began never who did not understand people. Well, once the bottom, so do not see the project "," Envy is a terrible thing "," Well done Olya, you need to put such such such "," Olga, you are well done! The caravan goes, and the Pugs are drawn! " - wrote Folloviers.

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