15 years ago: how the Olga Buzova looked back to multimillion fees and careers on TV


Singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova struck fans unexpected frames. The artist showed how she looked 15 years ago, and not all fans learned the current star.

The 34-year-old Buzova published on his page in Instagram archive shot, made 15 years ago. The singer's touching gesture congratulated Olga tent-old girlfriend with an anniversary of friendship. In the photo, the tests hugging a table in a cafe. They are dressed in the fashion of the early 2000s, and both blondes.

It is from the day when a picture was taken, girls consider themselves friends, although they were familiar before. Now the schedule does not always allow Olgam to meet at any time, but they retained a close relationship. So, Buzova became the godmother of the son of the tenth.

"That very day. October 14, 15 years ago, we met to drink coffee in Kofecus on the Griboedov Canal. More did not have money. We were familiar before that, but this day we consider the beginning of friendship, which we celebrate the 15th year. And let some laugh above us, but we have experienced so much together that it doesn't matter for us, "the buzzard wrote under the image.

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Fans were pleased that the star had such a close girlfriend. True, not all at first sight found out in a 19-year-old girl with African pigtails the future pop star.

"Olya, with braids you are completely different. There were so many transfigations for 15 years, "" Devil's fire "," Nyuhu here is a little bit like, "" Olya herself does not look like "," Olga, of course, now beautiful, "wrote Folloviers.

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