"I am writing and barely holding away tears": Olga Buzova spoke out against the battle at school


The singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova responded sharply on the situation with the first-grader Vanya. A disabled child has become a victim of a bulling from the teacher and classmates.

Olga has joined the # Vanyachochoboboto shares. The mother of the boy Anastasia publishes a picture of his son in a personal blog and told about the case at his school in Krasnoyarsk. During the line, the teacher gathered first-graders for a group photo and offered to make two options: with Vanya and without him.

"Look, what kind of cat? How can you be with him? " - Vanya Mom is perplexed on Facebook.

Buzova called the actions of the teacher with disgusting and admitted that she was sorry for her sorry, who suffered from the involvement of people. She demanded from the authorities of the city of response actions to the teacher, who did this with the child given under its responsibility.

"I am writing this and barely holding away tears. We all beat the alarm and speak our audience that we are against the bulling in any of its manifestation, and adult people, and even teachers, show him in the most disgusting action ... I am sure that the city administration should take it under personal control. This should not occur, no discrimination by any signs, "the singer stated in his Instagram account.

Vanya differs humbered because it cannot gain weight due to a rare metabolic disease. The same understood was the cause of severe allergies and non-eclipsed epilepsy. Now Vanya is on palliative care.

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