"Like sisters": 59-year-old mother Olga Buzova took a daughter for a girlfriend


Singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova shared with fans joy: her mother Irina visited her. The parent was near the famous daughter all day.

Olga boasts before the subscribers in Instagram his happiness and showed how they walk with her mother around the city. She published a snapshot from the embankment in a personal blog, where they and Mom were stopped during the promenade. In the frame of Olga, with tenderness pressed to the parent, and Irina holds a basket in his hands full of yellow roses. Both are happily smiling into the lens.

Buzova could not radically change his schedule even for the sake of the Mom's arrival. To spend more time together, Irina after all the day accompanied daughter at all events. But Olga evening was able to plan only for them.

"Finally came Mommy. Today is a whole day with me: in the morning at workout, then on the show, and in the evening I will lead it to the restaurant, "the artist told.

The fans were pleased for the celebrity and noted that her mother looks very young. The devotees fans were not surprised that 59-year-old Irina looks more like a senior sister than the parents of the singer. But some did not even immediately understand who it was next to the artist.

"You like sisters," "Mom looks like a girlfriend", "Young, like a sister", "Beautiful mother and daughter," - wrote Folloviers.

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