Olga Buzova arranged a "fiery" thematic party in Moscow - and forgot to invite sister


Olga Buzova continues to receive congratulations on its 34th birthday. The girl celebrated his holiday several times. At first with his new boyfriend David Manukyan in Thailand, where the couple rested together. Ole this seemed a little, and upon arrival in Moscow, she rolled the female party to which every girlfriend called. It is even saying that this is a bachelor party before the wedding.

Olga Buzova arranged a

Girls gathered at the Lastochka restaurant on Luzhnetsky embankment. The party was thematic, he was dedicated to the new Trug Buzova - "on fire". At the festival even installed the dress code - everyone came in the flames and red dresses. Olga itself shone in the sparkling ultra-mini dress. On the head, the star was built by curls, similar to the languages ​​of the flame.

Thanks to all my girls! Thanks for gifts and flowers, attention, love, respect! Know my girls that I have, and today there was a holiday not only for me, but for you! I wanted to see everyone who matters me very much!

- writes Buzova.

Star "House-2" will actively post instagram history from his holiday. Inna Zharikova, Assol, Yana Acre, Maria Pogrebnyak and other beauties are sitting behind a richly covered table. But the native sister of the birthday girl is not among the invited. It seems, Olga did not reconcile with Anna - or forgot to invite her birthday.

Subscribers were interested in another question: why there was no beloved David next to the girl. However, the girlfriends stars also came to a restaurant without satellites. That is why rumors crawled about the fact that it was a pre-wedeemnik.

The culmination of the holiday was a multi-tier cake from Renat Agzamov. The confectionery miracle saddled the figure of the birthday day itself in a bright red dress.

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