"When we sleep to the wall to the wall": Mom Olga Buzova rigidly criticized his daughter's choice


While the singer and secular lioness Olga Buzova rests in Thailand with his named fiance, blogger David Manukyan, the mum of the artist rigidly comments on his daughter's personal life.

According to the parent, she was not invited to the wedding and does not know Manukyan enough to judge him - only visually. And what kind of man he, too, can not say: "We are all good when we sleep to the wall," Irina Alexandrovna said.

However, she advises not to hurry with the seal in the passport, the intimidation of the unkind experience of Olga in living together with a football player Dmitry Tarasov: "We already were there. Therefore, this is the case ... I like to have fun, let him have fun. "

It is worth noting that the maternal heart is not so far from the truth in his distrust. There are rumors that in Novosibirsk, the hometown of Manukyan, the famous blogger should bailiffs more than one million rubles, and in his disinterested feelings to the buzzed fans simply do not believe.

In the meantime, friends and close people are looking forward to the wedding. Close friend Olga Maria Pogrebnyak already wants to walk as it should.

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