"Made an operation?": Olga Buzova suddenly grown chest.


Now only the lazy does not discuss this topic on the network. Lena Miro dedicated to the breasts of a bosovoy separate post in his scandalous blog and came to the conclusion that the singer scored weight. Even the boyfriend Olga David Manukyan could not resist and asked under one of the lover posts:

Did you make the chest surgery?

To the comment, he added laughing to the tears of Emoji and heart. It seems, so he decided to support Buzov in his joking manner, which is already tired of answering such comments from other users.



However, subscribers did not appreciate the Irony of Dava and attacked him for disrespect for the girl. "Now Ola is offended," "You are terribly frozen type," "Dumb Comment from the pseudoluble man", "I hope, after these words, Olya will throw you", "as ugly," the Folloviers wrote, devoid of humor's feelings.

Recall that Buzova has always been an awesome opponent of mammoplasty, so the option that the star still fell under the surgeon's knife, disappears. By the way, there is another version, why Olga suddenly grown chest: insiders assure that Buzova finally realized his long-standing dream and pregnant. In this case, the truth we will find out quite soon.

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