Julia Styles told about the film "10 reasons for my hatred" and about the difficult share of female characters


The reason why I so wanted to get this role was wound in the heroine itself. Her image seemed to me a sip of fresh air: such a assertive and stubborn teenage girl is not in its plate, but behaves proudly. I think it liked not only to me, that's why the film hooked the other girls and women so

- Star told.

Julia Styles told about the film

From the end of the 90s, women's characters have changed, but some things still face styles.

We judge the heroine much tougher. If the female character does something dubious, immoral and illegal, then the scripts have to be wrapped in order to explain its motivation. If a man in movies runs with a gun - it's cool, but if a woman takes a weapon in his hands, then the audience must certainly know that some terrible tragedy pushed her on it,

- Appealed the actress.

Julia Styles told about the film

Julia Styles told about the film

With her participation, the film "Stripter" will soon be released, in which Julia has worked with Jennifer Lopez.

It is very, very disciplined. She was given a whole page of the text to our first joint scene, she read it several times, closed her eyes, then opened and said: "Well, let's go",

- Fucks admired.

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