Brad Pitt spent a year and a half in the group of anonymous alcoholics after a divorce with Angelina Jolie


In an interview with The New York Times, the star of the film "To the Stars" said that after parting with Angelina, Jolie firmly decided to make it forever with alcoholic beverages. And the group of people who collided with the same problems helped him in this.

I achieved the highest possible result. Next to me were people who honestly and openly said what I had never heard before. It was a safe place, deprived of condemnation,

- told Pitt.

Brad Pitt spent a year and a half in the group of anonymous alcoholics after a divorce with Angelina Jolie 152723_1

Brad Pitt spent a year and a half in the group of anonymous alcoholics after a divorce with Angelina Jolie 152723_2

He told the publication that he had invested his hero from the film "To the Stars" much of myself and my problems.

We are all experiencing losses, grief and pain and most of life hide them inside ourselves,

- Reasoned the actor. In the image of Roy McBride, who went into space in search of his father, there was a place and father of Brad himself. He confessed to the New York Times, which reached that age when he sees him in all his roles.

I grew up with the conviction that a man should be a strong, capable and not showing weaknesses. In some sense, I copy my father. He grew up in poverty, but he was ready to give me life better than him. And he did it. He is from the genus

- told Pitt.

Brad Pitt spent a year and a half in the group of anonymous alcoholics after a divorce with Angelina Jolie 152723_3

Brad Pitt spent a year and a half in the group of anonymous alcoholics after a divorce with Angelina Jolie 152723_4

The actor itself is also attached to be attached, since the marriage process with Angelina Jolie is still not completed, although the spouses managed to achieve a change in family status.

Brad Pitt spent a year and a half in the group of anonymous alcoholics after a divorce with Angelina Jolie 152723_5

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