"We behave like in house-2": Soloist Little Big Sophia Tayurski raised due to a divorce of the group leader


Little Big Big Solochka Sophia Tayursk soloist was subjected to attacks in the network after announcement of the disclaimer in the collective soloist family. The fans accused the singer in the fact that she was the cause of divorce Ilya Prusikin with his wife.

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Очень скучаю по концертам! Сейчас бы в тур...#littlebig

Публикация от Sonya Tayurskaya Little Big (@sonyatayurskaya)

The first rumors about the possible novel between Sofia and Ilya appeared in the spring. Attentive fans noticed that Prussikin has not been taking his wife Irina bold on the events for a couple of months. One of the team's fans with reference to the Friends of the Star Quantity, he said that the relationship between spouses was cooled due to the treason of Ilya. The second participant of Adumerter allegedly became Tayurskaya.

On the eve of Prussikin and the brave announced parting. They remained friends and decided not to interfere with each other's happiness. According to celebrities, the decision has risen since the end of 2019 and has acquired the final form. Both will continue to communicate and educate the common son of Dobryny.

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Видимо для того, чтобы у меня было крутое лето, нужен был трехмесячный карантин! Как только мы вернулись из самоизоляции, примерно месяц мы работали без единого выходного! Куча съемок, встреч, знакомств, переезд и даже на 3 дня слетала в отпуск к морю! Это лето официально одно из лучших в моей жизни) а что вы первым делом сделали после того, как вышли из изоляции? #вернулисьпокорять

Публикация от Sonya Tayurskaya Little Big (@sonyatayurskaya)

A wave of rumors about the secret novel Ilya and Sophia again gained strength. Now the admirers of the group not only discuss possible treason on the network, but also express their indignation in the Taiurian personal blog. The artist deleted most of the negative comments and offered everyone to send her personal messages to everyone.

"Sonya didn't you become an apple of discord in the family of Ilya and Ira? It is very sad that it happened "," everyone needs to ban "House 2", and they themselves behave like on the transfer, "" Yes, it's strange that Ira has unsubscribed from Sony, "they wrote in the comments.

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