Madonna in Harper's Bazaar magazine. November 2013


About her teen years : "Many considered me strange. I did not have a lot of friends. Perhaps they were not at all. But in the end, it played to my hand, because when you are not popular and do not communicate with others, you have more time to focus on your future. In my case, this meant to move to New York and with a real artist. To express yourself in the city of Nonconformism. To shake and light the whole world and live surrounded by bold people. "

About criticism due to the adoption of the son of David : "This experience was very instructive. A truly humiliating moment of my life. I could expect from the people of censure for imitating masturbation on stage, for the release of my book "Sex", even for a kiss with Britney Spears at the international ceremony. But I did not assume that I could punish me for trying to save the life of the child. Drusia tried to support me, offered to perceive the situation like flour, which every woman is experiencing during childbirth. But it was a vague consolation. Be that as it may, I went through it. I survived. "

About her career : "If I can't be bold in my work or in life, then I see no reason to exist on this planet."

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