15 excellent non-English-speaking TV series NetFlix

1. Germany: "Darkness"Dark.

The series of the series unfolds in a small German town, standing near the nuclear power plant. Everything starts with the suicide of the father of a teenager Jonas. Shortly after that, the children begin to disappear one by one. It turns out that there was no time without displacement.

At first, this European series was called the German analogue of "very strange cases." And there are reasons for this: a small city, mysticism, teenagers in high roles. But very quickly "darkness" turns into one of the most complex fantastic projects. In this story, the past and future are interrelated and influence each other. To understand the movements of the heroes and their related bonds, it will have to try a lot.

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Frame from the series "Darkness" 2. Spain: "Paper House"La Casa de Papel / Money Heist

A certain person under the pseudonym professor collects a group of criminals. They do not know anything about each other, but instead of the name of the gang of cities. Under the leadership of Professor, criminals commit the most bold robbery in history - the royal mint is captured.

Netflix picked up this series after the first season output in Spanish television. But it is on the Stringing Service that the project gained world popularity. It's all about the famously swirling plot, which is completely built on deceptions. Every time it seems that the robber plan is about to fail, but it turns out that this professor also provided. And the authors managed to add a lot of love lines to the plot. It is logical, because in the "paper house" so many charismatic characters among criminals, hostages and policemen.

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Frame from the TV series "Paper House" 3. Spain: "Elite"Élite.

After collapses of the school in the poor area of ​​three schoolchildren, they are transferred to an elite educational institution. Local students at first refer to contempt for beginners from slums. But soon the relationship is greatly complicated. Another subtlety is added to this - in the first episode reported that someone from schoolchildren will be killed. And then the audience tell about the circumstances of the incident.

Fans of a "paper house" will be happy to see several familiar actors in this series. But in the genre and atmosphere, he is very different from his relative. A difficult detective here comes side by side with a story about the life of schoolchildren in all its complexity and rudeness. Sex, intrigue, conflicts and even crimes give the plot incredible density and dynamics.

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Frame from the series "Elite" 4. France: "Marianna"Marianne.

Emma Larsimon once escaped from his native town, and later became famous for the Bestseller Romanov series about evil spirit named Marianna. Then she was tired, decided to get rid of the heroine in the last book and switch to another creativity. But soon Emma has to return to the parental house, because Marianna turned out to be real. And now the villain is tormented by relatives and close writers, demanding to start a new novel.

The French horrorist looks like the heir of Creativity Stephen King, explicitly borrowing ideas from "it" and even "Miseri." But still it is not plagiarism, but rather a tribute to the master. Marianna is a real horror thriller in the spirit of the classics of the genre: uncomplicated special effects, a tense atmosphere, a small city entourage and a childhood friend's company, which should be dealt with an evil spirit.

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Frame from the series "Marianna" 5. Italy: "Subur"Suburra - La Serie / Suburra: Blood on Rome

The action unfolds in one of the oldest criminal regions of Rome. After the mayor feeds, the local criminal authority tries to knock out the land for development. He agrees with officials, but all plans spoil several novice criminals who decided to blackmail the representative of the Vatican.

This series - prequel to the 2015 full-length full-length film, which in turn is based on the book of Giancarlo de Kataldo and Carlo Bonini. In fact, the plot seizes and many real events that took place in the criminal world of Italy. The project pleases a very rigid realistic plot filled with intrigues and violence, and a frank story about corruption among officials and even in the church.

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Frame from the series "Subur" 6. Japan: "Naked director"ZENRA KANTOKU / THE NAKED DIRECTOR

Once the seller of English textbooks, Torah Muranscy returned home and found his wife in his lover's arms. From now on, his life has changed. But the lascurance was a good seller and even such an event turned into earnings. At first he implemented recording of overhearding sex, then began to produce his own erotic magazine. Well, and then opened the studio of porn movies.

An incredibly funny Japanese series is based on real events. The famous porn trapper of Torah Mountains in the eighties has greatly influenced the animal industry for adults. The series with humor talks about the struggle of heroes with censorship and competitors, and at the same time introduces life and the culture of this unusual country.

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Frame from the series "Naked director" 7. South Korea: "Kingdom"Kingdom.

In the Korea of ​​the XVI century, the emperor is ill. This event enhances the struggle for power between the warring groups. Cronprice Lee Tsang is trying to figure out what happened to his father, but unexpectedly in the country the invasion of zombies begins, active only at night.

Medieval Korea, perhaps, one of the most unusual setages for the plot of a zombie apocalypse. But the "kingdom" strangely does not turn into a parody of the genre. In this series, funny is organically adjacent to terrible: heroes are often joking, but they can immediately show the atrocities of zombies that are not solved in Western cinema. And the fighter about the lives of the dead goes in parallel with the plot of palace intrigues.

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Promotional series "Kingdom" 8. Denmark: "Rain"The Rain.

Apocalypse begins in Scandinavia: the rain will be raining a dangerous virus, and everyone who gets wet, soon dies. And before that, people manage to infect others. Parents locate a young ramus and his older sister Simone in a safe bunker. The children are selected only six years later. Heroes join the group of survivors and move around the country in search of the Father. But he did not accidentally ordered Simone to protect his brother with all their might.

Postopocalyptic projects comes out more and more. But the Danes took the most weekly, and therefore a frightening theme - the danger lies in the rain and in general in water. And the authors of the series were not afraid to show the main character not a steep guy, but a weak and indecisive boy. For the years spent in the bunker, Rasmus physically grew, but remained a naive child.

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Poster series "Rain" 9. United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France: "Criminal"Criminal.

Four police branches in different countries of Europe. In each of them, detectives are interrogated suspected of serious crimes. Everyone needs to find an individual approach to make telling the truth. And the interrogation turns into an intellectual duel.

One of the most non-standard projects. Strictly speaking, some of this series (perhaps even the best) still removed in the UK in English. But also in the "criminal" there is a Spanish, French and German lines. Moreover, the authors acted very witty: regardless of the country, the action unfolds in the same three premises. But the language, actors and even the shooting group are always local. The series masterkes shows the difference in temperaments: the silent British are equally different from hot-tempered Spaniards.

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Frame from the series "Criminal" 10. France, USA: "Whirlpool" ("Bar" Eddie ")The Eddy.

The famous Jazz Pianist from the USA Elliot Udo moved to Paris and organized a small club with live music there. He himself does not act, but he is trying to break through the local label a contract for the group, which is managed. Cases go worse: the club brings losses, then the clashes with criminals begin. And to top off to everything, his daughter-teenager comes to Elliot.

Another exception to the rules is part of the dialogues in English. But the director "La La La Land" Demonie Chasell just decided to show Paris in all its multinationality. Here they speak Arabic and swear in Polish, and the main French sounds with dozens of accents, from Ukrainian to American. Nevertheless, the main advantage of the project is the love of authors to Jazz. The "whirlpool" regularly turns into small "live" performances. Although it is best that the first two episodes have been looking at, who put Chasell himself, then the pace drops a little.

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Frame from the series "Bar" Eddie "" 11. Norway: "Ragnarök"Ragnarok.

Brothers Magne and Loritz, together with their mother, return to their hometown, which the family left after the death of the Father. They go to school, and Magne is immediately drawn into the opposition of local eco -activist with the owners of the plant. Shortly after the tragic events, the hero opens very unusual forces. For example, it can reject the hammer on Polkilometer.

An unusual Norwegian project combines two, seemingly opposite themes. On the one hand, this is a traditional drama about the life of adolescents: Magne suffers from dyslexia and is trying to find his place in a new school, and Loritz never decided on orientation. On the other, each episode is filled with references to mythology. From the first series it is not difficult to guess what brothers will be on top roles. And even the name of the town of EDDA hints at the main work of Scandinavian mythology.

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Poster series "Ragnaret" 12. India: "Sacred Games"Sacred Games.

In Mumbai, the crime raised, and government ranks were mired in corruption. Against this horror with a simple police officer named Sartaj Singh, one of the most wanted criminals is suddenly associated. He calls himself an immortal God and tells his opponent that he can save the whole city.

From Indian films and TV shows, everyone is waiting for a typical Bollywood with songs and dances. But the "sacred games" destroy this stereotype literally from the first personnel filled with bloody cruelty. Moreover, the creators of the series based on the writer of the writer and Journalist Vicharma Chandra, well mix fictional events with real nightmares that were going to Bombay (now Mumbai) in the nineties. This police thriller, sometimes getting on the territory of mystics, destroys the "parade" carnival image of Indian cinema, immersing in severe realism.

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Frame from the series "Sacral Games" 13. Belgium, Poland: "On the night"Kierunek: NOC / INTO THE NIGHT

Passengers are going to fly out the night flight from Brussels. Unexpectedly, the aircraft captures a distraught NATO officer, who claims that the sun will burn the sun burning everything alive on the planet. The pilot hastily raises the car, and the flight goes to the flight. Unfortunately, the invader is right. Now passengers of the aircraft need to come up with how to get to a safe bunker, having understood along with a lack of fuel and uneasy relationships.

The authors of the project took as a basis the fantastic book of the Polish writer Yatsek's mind "Star of Axolotl". But in the screening used only the subject of the plot, ignoring the further futuristic part. The series mixes the idea of ​​a catastrophe film, where a significant part of the action takes place in an airplane, and postpocalyptic horror about the destruction of the whole land.

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Frame from the series "On Night" 14. Brazil: "3%"3%

In the distant future, humanity was divided into two unequal classes. Most lives in poverty, but once a year, every twenty year can pass the selection and get into the privileged Casta, who does not know the trouble. However, only 3% are taken from applicants. Each of the main characters is trying to win in trials to escape from gray everyday life.

Another stereotype is the concept of the "Brazilian series", which has become analogous to the cheap day "soap." But the anti-astope thriller "3%" is completely opposite to this cliché. Of course, a significant part of the time is given to the past of the main characters and their emotions. But still the atmosphere of a gloomy future and a good analogy with the current stratification of classes here in the first place. And for a visual number to worry about the worker - one of the directories of the project was the operator of the legendary "city of God" Cesar Charlon.

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Frame from the series "3%" 15. South Africa: "Queen Sono"Queen Sono.

The main heroine of the series is a guide agent. She investigates the activities of a private weapon company in Zanzibar, and then returns to South Africa. Next, she will have another very dangerous mission. But the problem is that the heroine suffers from PTSD and can not deal with his personal life.

Unlike other spy thrillers, where a steep special special part of the "Queen Sono" is devoted to the real geopolitical problems of Africa. It tells about terrorism and groups that allegedly struggle with the colonists. And at the same time the plot reveals the heroine itself, which can be steep in a hand-to-hand fight, but suffers from many injuries of the past.

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Frame from the series "Queen Sono"

Alexey Chromov, kinoafisha.info

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