The director "Twilight" replied, would have come for "midnight sun" or not


Fourth of August comes on sale Roman "Midnight Sun" Writer Stephanie Meier. It tells about the same events as in the "Twilight" novel, but now it's not from the point of view of Bella Swan, but from the point of view of her beloved - Vampire Edward. In honor of this event, Entertainment Tonight took an interview with director Catherine Hardwick, who shielded the first novel in 2008. The main roles in the film was played by Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

The director

To the question, whether the screen version of the new novel is possible, the director said that it would be a "difficult perspective":

We really were all the time in Belah's head. Remove the continuation would be fun and exciting, but Rob now Batman, and Kristen participates in a million beautiful projects. Who knows what can happen.

Harder remembers the popularity of the 2008 movie:

It was just madness. People just went crazy when our group went to the scene during meetings with fans. They treated Rob and Kristen, like rock stars. People fainted. It was so exciting.

At the moment, Hardwick is removed for the Quibi service the science fiction series "Do not see deeper" about a teenager who begins to doubt whether he is man. In the first season there will be 14 episodes.

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