Robert Pattinson, Johnny Depp, Mark Rielanx on the frames of the film "Waiting for Varvarov"


The network has new frames of the film "Waiting for Varvarov". The tape is based on the novel novel of the Nobel Prize of the South African John Kutsee. Publisher Penguin Books included the novel to the list of the most significant works of the twentieth century. The director of the picture was made by Siro Gerra ("Maply birds", "Hugs of the Snake").

Robert Pattinson, Johnny Depp, Mark Rielanx on the frames of the film

Robert Pattinson, Johnny Depp, Mark Rielanx on the frames of the film

The film tells about the life of the small border town of the exempted empire. Colonel (Johnny Depp) arrives from the capital in order to check the rumor that the dicks living on the other side are preparing a raid. Making a small victorious campaign on the barbaric tribes, the colonel returns with captured prisoners who are tortured to the public.

Robert Pattinson, Johnny Depp, Mark Rielanx on the frames of the film

The magistrate (Mark Rielanx) disagrees with such cruelty. He understands that the colonel with soldiers will go away, and the rest will have to live next to the angry tribes. He is trying to stop the colonel and establish relationships with neighbors. But the colonel puts his authority to the position of Magistrate his man (Robert Pattinson), and the previous one throws in prison.

Robert Pattinson, Johnny Depp, Mark Rielanx on the frames of the film

Robert Pattinson, Johnny Depp, Mark Rielanx on the frames of the film

In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, it was decided to refuse to show the film in cinemas. In August, "Waiting for Varvarov" will be released on one of the cutting services.

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