Photo: Kristen Stewart removed shoes on a red carpet of Cannes in protest


That's what it looked:

Red Carpet At #cannes or Not, Sometimes The Heels Have Just Gotta Go. ? #kristenstewart

- Instyle (@instyle) on May 14, 2018

The "solo" protest action Kristen arranged on the red track premiere of the film Spike Lee "Black Claver". As usual, commentators were divided into two camps - some lead the already classic argument about the fact that Stewart does not know how to play and therefore attracts attention to any other ways, others will salute actress for courage and agree that sometimes on heels - well just no. Exchange of views turned into a traditional Internet holivar:

"Pay me attention !!!"

"Attention here is not more. She just did not want her legs hurt. She made the required photos on heels, and then removed them. "

"Thank you Kristen Stewart for strengthened the opinion of Europeans about the Americans as an uncompatible urodes that cannot be invited to anywhere.

"It is time for women to start looking at high heels critically: my doctor said that wearing high heels harmful and can provoke orthopedic problems of the legs and spine"

"And I would just push the ballet shoes. Yes, I am such a rebar. "

"Yes, who is at all interesting"

"Who generally worries what she walks there when there are so many men, women and children in the world without shoes! Absolutely meaningless protest! "

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