Justin Timberlake and Jessica beat again together


After four years, Jite and Jessica's relationship still experience warm feelings to each other, so they decided to start seeing to make sure there is something else that can be saved.

"All this time they were in touch and decided to try again. Jessica really wants to return Justin, and he in turn understands that a bachelor's life is not quite so wonderful as he thought, "the US Weekly source told. During the holidays on July 4 they saw them together at the Black Hoof restaurant in Toronto, where they tried to stay unnoticed.

But the playboy will remain forever to play. A few weeks ago, Justin saw in the company Scarlett Johansson in New York. Of course, it may be only a friendly meeting, but after that they rose together in the loft to the singer.

The next morning Scarlett was seen in the same clothes in which she was seen last night. As some talk about girls returning in the morning in a shabby form after a stormy night in the clothes, in which they were yesterday, it was a "shada walk."

So if Jones and Jessica are really together, do not expect high-profile statements from them, but new parting, because Justin can declare that he needs a space and he needs to be alone - perhaps.

What do you think Reunion Justin and Jessica is for a long time?

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