Actors "Twin Pix" released a video message to David Linch with a request to return


The general motive of the video - what is "Twin Pix" without Lynch: "Twin Pixes without David Lynch is like that a dog without barking ... Eyes without eyebrows ... hole without a donut" and so on.

The video appeal is gaining momentum and, apparently, will soon be another online campaign under Hesteg #Savetwinpeaks - in addition to 14 actors of the main caste, thousands of fans of the original "Twin Pix" have already left access to Linch on social networks. Even the elder daughter of the director himself, Jennifer Lynch, who in the nineties wrote the book "The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer" took part in recording video.

Recall that last Sunday Lynch said that he refuses to participate in the "revival" of the classic series of the nineties due to the budget - "After a year and four months of negotiations, I leaving, because the money for creating a scenario, as I see it, not enough," he wrote In his Twitter. "This weekend I started calling the actors to let them know that I would not directly apply." "Twin Pixes will still be released on Showtime. I love the world of Twin Pix and I would like everything to be different. "

In the original series Agent Dale Cooper, whose role in the continuation should play Kyle Makllin again, investigating the killing of the Queen of the beauty of Laura Palmer. The return of "Twin Pix" was announced in October 2014 - simultaneously with the news that Lynch will again sit down in the director's chair. And the fact that Kyle Maklinlin will come back with him, showtime was confirmed in January 2015. It was assumed that the new season Twin Pixes will include 9 episodes and will be broadcast in 2016.

In response to the statement of Lynch about the care of Showtime, the following statement was released: "Showtime also loves the world of Twin Peaks, and we continue to hope that we can return it in all its glory along with the two creators, David Lynch and Mark Frost."

Today, April 8, 2015, was fulfilled exactly a quarter of a century from the moment the first series "Twin Pix" was broadcast on the ABC channel. The duration of the first season shown in 1990 was small in modern standards - only 8 episodes. However, the series instantly acquired phenomenal popularity, after which the second season was pressed by 22 series.

In 1991, the popularity of the series recognized critics: "Twin Pix" conquered three prestigious Golden Globe Prizes at once in the "best series" nominations, the best male role and the "best female role", and was also nominated for the premium Emmy, including as the best series.

At first glance, it may seem surprising that such a popular TV show lasts only 2 seasons - however, this is the guidance of the ABC channel, which in ordinary order forced David Linch to reveal the identity of the mysterious killer of Laura Palmer in the 2 season due to the concerns that never disclosed Intrigue can quickly bored to viewers. As a result, everything turned out on the contrary: due to the fact that the creators of the script called the murderer, the interest in Twin Pixes fell sharply - and the series ended in the second season.

Interestingly, the "Twin Peaks" was based on the scenario fragments written by David Lynch and Mark Fr. Frost for Marylin Monroe's biography. Later, Warner Brothers rejected the script, and the film did not come out - "Twin Pix" appeared on the world, initially starred under the working name "North-Western road" (The Northwest Passage).

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