Reese Witherspoon about the upbringing of children


Rules in their home: I am not a very strict parent, but it is important for children to establish rules. This gives them a sense of structure - this is what we are all looking. They need to know what is good, and what is bad.

The importance of values : I grew up in Neshville, Tennessee. My parents taught me to respect the elders. With adults, we talked: "Yes, sir," there is, ma'am, about it. Children in Los Angeles do that. I taught my children to respect for adults. They should call people "Mrs. Shannon", "Mr. Chiter." Maybe I'm too old-fashioned. But children must study the values ​​of the house. We teach such things as correctly answering the phone. Every evening we sang at the table and dinner as a family.

What the money spend her children : When we go somewhere on the weekend, I give them 5 dollars. They can buy what they want to save or spend some. My son is just like me: only gets money and immediately spends them on something delicious. My daughter will walk in the market for a long time and carefully choose what to spend your money.

Churches and children : In the south there is a real meaning of the community of people. I believe that everything in life is not in vain. I take my children to church in Los Angeles. We are struggling to understand what life is, we are looking for answers.

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