"Only through my corpse": Paul Derevko opposing that daughters become actresses


A 43-year-old actor brings up two daughters from Darya Mezishcheva: Varvaru and Alexander. In a conversation with the publishing Teleprogramma.pro, he wondered if he wanted to give children to sports, because he himself managed to meet him on the set of "Dilda". "If they want ... I will be happy with any kind of willing. If only they did not become actresses. I say so: "actresses - only through my corpse!" In fact, I am not so categorical, of course, but I am convinced that only successful actors can be good. And the rest is suffering and unnecessary experiences. Sport? I did not think, "the actor replied.

She also spoke about his hero in the TV series. According to Paul, Mikhail Kovalev - Sexyist and Grubian, who will have to raise the women's volleyball team. And to win the championship among universities, the coach will have to learn how to manage the female team, although it will not be at all. "My Kovalev grows with these dfts of human, and girls with him are professionally. There will be a lot of things: novels, intrigues, fights, podes, love, and all this will pass on the background of the game in volleyball, "the actor promised.

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