Ex-soloist "Silver" Lena Temnikov about the novel Maxim Fadeev and Olga Seryabkina: "Kindergarten"


In a conversation with Irina Shikhman, the star explained that the relationship in the group began to worsen at the moment when feelings appeared between her colleague and producer. And these feelings they tried to hide, which caused awkwardness and led to hatred. "We were all on Bali, and I decided to say:" Well, we play in kindergarten. " I am ashamed that I accidentally go into the room and I see something, they are ashamed of what they hide it as children. And they are awkward, and they hate, roughly speaking, I saw me, caught. Before their love was everything different, "Lena told. She noted that she was divided by the "lies" with the team.

And the lies turned out to be one of the biggest flaws of Olga Seryabkina. Despite the fact that the singer in an interview spoke of a strong friendship with the Damenikov, according to the star, she was glad to care. "She generally loves to learn. Our relationship spoiled the year for three to my departure, and ugly. We lived in different hotels in order not to intersect, we played friendship on the stage as professionals, it was very difficult. I was annoyed that she always was lying, a lot of things lying, but she was beautiful. When we dreamed, I did not bored, "the star explained.

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