Star "Theory of the Big Explosion" Jim Parsons about his orientation: "I was frightened by gay parades"


The future film will be based on the play of Marta Crowley, first delivered in 1968 and revived in honor of the anniversary in 2018. In the center of history will be several gay friends from New York, who are going to one of them in the apartment to celebrate their birthday. All the evening are raised by sharp questions, pleasures complain that society does not accept them, but they still float against the current. The Parsons knows about discrimination against sex minorities, he witnessed rapid changes to the better as in working issues and in everyday life.


Despite the fact that Jim does not hide his orientation and does not see any shameful, gay parades in it - not for him. The 46-year-old actor admitted that the crowds and a large crowd of people were always frightened. In 2012, Parsons committed Caming-Out, which he remembered during the interview Variety: "When the information has become public, I finally could say:" Well, hell with you! If you still have problems with gays, then you have problems personally with me. " Be a full-fledged member of this community, declare yourself - it was such a mental lift, such an inspiration, and I feel it so far. This is a huge relief. Well, moreover, it is sometimes pleasant to feel the righteous anger. "



Jim and his spouse Todd Spivak

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