Jennifer Lopez apologized to friends for children to raise children


When Emma and Max asked Jennifer, whether her expectations with real motherhood coincided, she replied: "You can not imagine what it means to be a mom, until I become parents. I remember how he constantly gave advice to his friends, and they looked at me in response as if I had three heads. And only when you appeared, I understood my mistake and apologized to friends. I asked them to forget everything that was talked about the raising of children, because it had never had the slightest idea what it means to have children. "

Jennifer Lopez apologized to friends for children to raise children 155466_1

Max and Emma also wanted to know that they felt their mother when he learned that she would have twins. "I was in Portugal when I learned about pregnancy. I sat in a trailer and literally felt trembling in my stomach. This feeling resembled a little butterfly, so I immediately have suspicions. We went to the ultrasound when the belly was still flat, and the doctor asked me: "See this grains of rice? This is a child. See other grains? This is also a child." I could not believe. So I learned that I will have twins, "Jennifer told.

Jennifer Lopez apologized to friends for children to raise children 155466_2

Jennifer Lopez apologized to friends for children to raise children 155466_3

Lopez also added that herself as a child was more like Max, because there was a Timber and always tried to find a way to escape from the house.

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