"I can't spend your whole life on you": Ksenia Sobchak took an interview with Konstantin Bogomolov


The interview was completely fresh, sharp topics were not affected, basically talked about Konstantin's childhood and his appointment with the artistic director of the theater on a small armor. If Ksenia tried to bring Bogomolov to frankness, he crushed these attempts. In general, the conversation of the director and the journalist was more like a flirt of lovers, while one of them is arrogant and narcissistic snob, the other - the shy of the young lady.

Particularly heard the audience dialogue at the very end of the interview. Sobchak gathered to ask Konstantin the last question. "Why the last one?", "The mantis was surprised. "You have already taken away so much of my time. I can't spend your whole life on you, "the presenter answered flirtally. "You no longer spent it. But the residue is quite possible, "Herly noticed Ironically.

The fact that the interview came out boring, many times noted in the comments to the video. "Unfortunately, read comments much more interesting than to watch the release with the Bogomol", "Interviews are so dull and sour and sour, like the face of Bogomolov," "did not inside. Guest - boring demagogue, "disappointed spectators write.

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