"I thought about suicide": Sophie Turner told about the bad effect of glory for her mental health


For the first time, world glory hit Sophie Turner in 2011, after entering the screens of the series "Game of Thrones". The heroine of the actress turned out to be a controversial character, which forced fans to deploy around her and positive, and negative discussions. For such popularity, Turner had to pay a considerable price. In the Phil In The Blanks podkaste, Sophie said that comments on social networks affected her mental health: "I just believed that I was fat that I am a bad actress. I made employees from the costumes department to delay our corset, as it was very shy, "the star told.

The experiences and sense of unprotected led to the symptoms of depression, which were aggravated by the fact that Sophie chose the acting career, and not entering the institute, as her friends and brothers did. "I had no motivation to do anything and go out. I did not want to see even the best friends. I suffer from depression for five or six years. And the biggest problem for me is to get out of bed and get out of the house, "said Turner.

According to Sophie, it reached completely difficult thoughts: "This is strange. I said that was not too depressed, being younger, but then I often thought about suicide. Although I can not explain why. Maybe it was just a strange passion, but I was thinking about it. "

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