Interviews Kellana Lats for Seventeen magazine


They say, you are a person who loves adventures and what did almost all the tricks himself in the films of twilight saga and in the "war of the gods: immortal". Are you just going crazy from all this?: "I just like the risk. I am physically prepared, I am trained with tricks. I don't even think about it, I just allow you to act with my instincts. I love extreme sports, I just have fun!"

Your character Emmett progresses with each film? What do we expect from him in "Dawn"?: "Personally, I feel that progress is huge, but it is difficult to show when you are involved not in every scene. But in the" Dawn "you will see it more and his relationship with Rosalie. I love Emmette, he is comic, and at the same time good defender."

In the twilight saga there is a true love between Edward and Bella, between your character Emmett and Rosalie. Do you believe in real love?: "Of course, very much. If you do not believe in something, it is not worth it and hope. I will believe in her and hope that one day she comes to me."

What girls do you like?: "Always want someone who will love you, I think it is very attractive. Personally, I like ordinary girls, because I am a simple guy. I like those who look at life just like me who are engaged in What do they like. I like to risk, I love to travel, I love to be in nature. So, any girl who can play football and catch a twisted ball will definitely attract my attention. Girls who love to ride balls and easily kiss the camp waiting Tickets in cinema. "

Fans with excitement await the debut of both parts of the "dawn". Where do you see yourself in the future when Saga is completed?: "I just fell in love with the actor. I like to fight. I train with a guy on mixed martial arts, whenever I come back to Los Angeles. Therefore, if I managed to play in the film like" deadly games ", where I played with Samuel L . Jackson - it would be chic! I would also like to do something like "Born". I really like the career of Matt Damon, and his facial expressions are just wonderful.

And besides Samuel L. Jackson and Matt Damon, who you have not worked yet, but would like to work?: "There are so many of them! Working with Tarmese Sinich over the film" War of the Gods: Immortal "already spoiled me because I worked with many stunning actors. I would love to work with Daniel Day Lewis! "

I'm going to call you the names of some of your colleagues in the twilight saga, and I want you to tell me the first thing that will come to mind about each of them. Absolute freedom.

Taylor Lautner: "Puppy. When I met him, he reminded me of a puppy. I mean in a good sense. Now he is very matured. Tay is always very energetic. He is full of life, I would say, he always is always on the initiative, always in Movement. Like a small energetic pussy. "

Ashley Green: "Angel. This is an angel in my life. We are the best friends with her. She is so great to share memories."

Kristen Stewart: "Genius. I'm just impressed with her. She is so smart in everything that concerns her acting game. She is just awesome. And a very, very good friend."

Photos from Valencia (California) with the wedding of Brother Kellana Latsa Brandon, who last 1st of May, appeared on May 1, at the wedding, Brother Kellan was Schafer.

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