Justin Bieber wants everything that Taylor Lautner has


He is already found with the former girl of Lautner Celina Gomez, he has already tried himself into the cinema and is not going to stop at what has been achieved - the guy has no dismissal plans to combine musical and film careers like Justin Timberlake.

According to the source, National Enquirer writes that Justin Bieber is just obsessed with Taylor Lautner, but not in the sense of adoration or envy. The 17-year-old Bieber considers himself better than Taylor Lautner, and he thinks that he deserves the whole adolescent audience in the United States and around the world, and not at all obliged to divide the laurels of the most successful American braid with a 19-year-old Lautner: "You can not even imagine how he is proud when the Lautner is bypassing in different ratings or in the nominations. When, for example, in 2010, he bypassed Taylor Lautner, having received an award in the nomination "The Hottest" on the Kids' Choice Awards, in which they were both nominated, Justin was still a queen : "I made it. I'm better than him. This was recognized and fans. "

Justin also wants to have a body like Taylor Lautner. A year ago, he began to work hard with personal coaches, but did not achieve the desired result. Now Justin Bieber hired a personal coach Taylor Lautner - Jordon Yuama. Justin is impressed by how he helped at one time a 16-year-old actor to the second part of the twilight saga to score the necessary kilograms of muscle mass to gain the ideal reliefs of their character Jacob Blake.

"Justin has strength and focus to get the same results as Taylor," the source said. "He's going to acquire a press with cubes, pump biceps and triceps. If he is in a tour, they make a training session that coach is smoking. Through IChat or Skype. In addition, the coach said Justin to refuse fast food and put it on high-blooded food, "said the source.

Representatives of Justin Bieber deny that Justin Bieber sits on high-protein products and strenuously swinging to become like Taylor Lotter. Let's wait, see, maybe in a few months bieber will walk on the beach poured Lautner!

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