Aged? Will Smith was afraid not run by the marathon, although he did not drink a decade


The other day the star of the franchise "People in Black" laid out a video, which documented the preparation for the most important Chellands in life. She took only three weeks, but all this time the actor drove hard and was under the supervision of doctors. "I think that in the list of my desires it bothers me the most. Honestly, I'm absolutely not sure that I can run 13 miles, "says Will to the camera.

"Be so much in the form for me to a novelty. I did not drink more than ten years. You know, during the formation of my actor career, I was wildly disciplined. For me, even remove the shirt when I was not in the best shape, it was inconvenient, "continues the actor.

As we already know, Smith in vain worried: he fulfilled his challenge, running 13 miles in two and a half hours. True, ten years ago he would be unpleasantly surprised by such a result. "But with age, I stopped putting on myself, the ability to take my weaknesses and imperfections gave me so much freedom," said Smith.

Recall that last September Will Smith turned 50 years old. Now the actor is busy on the set of trichel "bad guys", where he also has to be laid out in full.

Aged? Will Smith was afraid not run by the marathon, although he did not drink a decade 156579_1

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