The representative of Lucasfilm commented on the controversial act of the kid of iodine


After watching the second series of the second season, some fans of the show "Mandalorets" were indignant to the behavior of the baby of iodine, three times the series of lady-frogs shown by eating eggs. This episode was conceived as a joke, but some fans criticized the creators of the show for the fact that they turned the universal eared pet in the villain.

On the claims of fans answered in his Twitter creative art manager Lucasfilm Phil Shostak. He noticed that, although some viewers are upset for obvious reasons, there is no difference between the baby iodine, eating caviar, and people who eat chicken eggs:

"By the way, in the tenth chapter of Mandalortz, it clearly states that the eggs of the lady-frog are neople-specific - the same as chicken eggs that many are eaten. But it is obvious that the fruit of a chicken egg is not a reasonable creature, and the baby of iodine, eating eggs, is just a disturbing, but comedic reception, "wrote Shostak.

It should be noted that the answer art manager of Lucasfilm many fans found unsatisfactory that he gave rise to a new wave of reports of upset serial fans.

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