The first shots from the final seasons "Shamelessnniks"


In less than a month, the final season of the popular comedy-dramatic series "Shamelessnniki" starts. The TVLine edition shared the first frames from the new series.

The first shots from the final seasons

In the pictures you can see that the creators of the show could not pass by such an urgent topic as the coronavirus pandemic. So, Lip Galbler walks with a small son in a protective mask on one frame, and on the second a similar accessory at Liam Gallager, who sits on the porch along with the father of Frank Gallager family. According to the creator and director of the series John Wells, at the time of the beginning of the pandemic of the scenario of most episodes of the eleventh season were completed, he could not allow such an important topic to be shown in "shamelessness" with the characteristic Satiir project.

The first shots from the final seasons

The first shots from the final seasons

Recall, the series "Shamelessnniki" started on Showtime TV channel in January 2011. At the moment, the comedy is the longest show of the TV channel. At the beginning of the year it was announced that it was extended by the eleventh season, which will become final for him. The premiere of the season is scheduled for December 6th.

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